Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Protestant/Catholic Seminar Part 1: Introduction

We are taking a brief break from Pastor Morecraft's series on the Psalms to share with you a very relevant Seminar by Pastor John Otis, hosted and sponsored by Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Church, on Protestants & Roman Catholics. It is a great look in to the nature and origin of these two different theological views and is a fantastic study tool for any Christian. Please take the time to listen to these messages. There are 7 messages and they will be published over the next seven days. If you wish to listen to all of the messages at once please follow this link. If you have any questions regarding this material or would like additional information please email: WestminsterChurchCC@gmail.com

Here is Pastor Otis' brief introduction and explanation of the series which is found on Sermon Audio:

"This is part 1 of a seminar titled Protestants and Catholics: What Makes Us Different? It is listed as a 6 part series, but there is a part 4A and 4B in the messages on how Rome Views salvation. So, there are actually 7 messages. I quote extensively from Catholicism's authoritative catechisms and church councils. I discuss in the entire seminar why Protestants have reacted so strongly to Catholic teaching. In this introduction we look at what brought about the Protestant Reformation and some of the attempts to reconcile both groups." -John Otis

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