Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hymns & Psalms for This Coming Sunday

Our congregation is provide with the song selection for each coming Sunday at the beginning of the week in the hopes that they might review and practice the Hymns and Psalms with their family and/or personally so that we all might learn these great songs of praises to our King.

Morning Service:

Trinity Hymnal: 35
Trinity Hymnal: 174
Psalm 119E
Trinity Hymnal: 383
Trinity Hymnal: 628

Afternoon Service:

Trinity Hymnal: 32
Trinity Hymnal: 502

Click Here for the Trinity Hymnal This link will provide you with the words and a mdi file to listen to the music or have it play along while you sing.  Click Here to see an example of Hymn 132...the music file will be at the bottom of the page.

Click Here for the Psalter

NOTE: These links are also permanently listed to the right side of this Blog under Church Links: Trinity Hymnal and Other Resources.
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