Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fall Harvest at Cole Park on Oct. 31st

This past Reformation Day our Church joined with other local Churches and participated in a Fall Harvest (Matt. 9:37) outreach down at Cole Park. The goal was to introduce families to local Churches and hopefully get folks into Churches who may not already have a Church home and to provide families and kids a fun safe place to spend the evening.

God really blessed the labors of everyone and and about 350 Bible tracts, 400 Bible verses, 200 Christian toys, 5 Bibles, 15 New Testaments, several other Christian books, and LOTS of candy made it way it to the hands of kids and families from all over the Coastal Bend. May God bless the seed that was sown and use it to bring people to a saving knowledge of Him or a richer and fuller relationship with Him.

Our Church hosted two different Game Booths at this Fall Harvest. The first was the 'Fishers of Men' (aka fishing game) based of the verse from Matthew 4:19 "Follow Me and I will make you fishers of Men." And, the second game was 'The Gates of Hell' based on the verse, Matthew 16:18 "I will build My Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." The game consisted of a painted wooden back drop and catapults which would launch "boulders" at the Gates in an assault brought against it by Christ's Church.


Several folks either made thier own candy bags to donate or got together as a group to stuff bags and help make the games.

Outline drawn for the Gates of Hell

God filled the seas with teaming life...
Jennifer, Johann, Rebecca, and Connie helped to sew these little fish together.

All the cute fish for the Fisher of Men Game

The day of the Fall Harvest was beautiful!!! Clear blue skies, cool breeze, and warm sun....it was a perfect day for being outside!

Behind the scenes
Rebecca M. helping to stuff additional candy bags at the park

We had two new banners made for the Church for this and any feature events


Phoebe R. the fish!

Learning to be fishers of men

Phoebe was just too cute!

Gearing up to go fishing

Fishy, fishy, in the brook...

Cromwell's first sucker

The Gates of Hell
"I will build my Church and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it"

Calvin M. & Robert M. made catapults to assault the Gates of Hell


The Gates of Hell being assaulted!

The guys from the Church maned the Gates of Hell game for us

Cromwell is impressed with the size of Prophet

Prophet the Great Dane and the little Cowgirl

Johanna M. is taking Cromwell M. fishing

Cromwell was way in to the game...though he would rather catch them with his hands then a pole

Robert M. and Calvin M. trying out the game

Thanks to everyone who came to help, donate candy, time, love, and prayers!

If you have more pictures to share please email Jennifer at marksoffaith@gmail.com
Fall Harvest at Cole Park on Oct. 31stSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

1 comment:

John Calvin said...

Building the catapults was fun, we will have to make them bigger next year! I enjoyed making the catapults and drawing the "Gates of Hell." Have fun.